Occupational Therapy

Aid Children in Learning Positive Behaviors

We provide pediatric occupational therapy in El Paso, TX

Children with certain disabilities often require extra attention and care as they're growing up. Yagel Therapy Services, PLLC offers pediatric occupational therapy to help children learn important skills to keep and become more self-sufficient.

Call now to find out more about the pediatric occupational therapy we perform in El Paso, TX.

Reach out to an occupational therapist who can help

Reach out to an occupational therapist who can help

An occupational therapist can address your child's self-care skills, upper extremity strength and visual motor skills. We coordinate with professionals, parents and caregivers to help meet the needs of children who experience delays or challenges in development.

Occupational therapy helps children play, improves their school performances and assists them in being more active in daily activities. We can help your child improve their:

Fine motor skills - handwriting, grasp, cutting, shoe-tying
Eye-hand coordination - mazes, tossing a ball
Basic life skills - brushing teeth, manipulating fasteners, bathing
Social skills - turn taking, self-awareness, improved behavior

We can also help your child gain access to special equipment that helps them live more independently, such as wheelchairs, splints, bathing equipment, dressing devices and communication aids.

Contact us today to speak with your local occupational therapist in El Paso, TX.